Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Really Extra Ordinary!

Do you know why I stopped writing? Actually, there is nothing to write about. Everything in this beautiful Singapore is so perfect! What is there to write, comment, criticise, lament or whine about?

Don't forget, we have been drowned day in and day out, seven days a week and 52 weeks per annum by our mass medias, by our great leaders as well as by our pretend-to-be great leaders, as well as by the imitating-to-be great leaders that Singapore is simply extraordinary, outstanding, first world and safe, secure, prospering, no terrorists, harmonious, stable, and most important of all "no poor people!"

How wonderful! It's a paradise no where else in this whole wide world can aspire to be or imitate. Malaysia is trying very hard to be like us, but she is still miles away. Perhaps, she should join Singapore and be called a sub district or a Giant GRC with 13 constituencies. It would be a good idea. Mr Bad Awi, can you hear me? Join us lah! Then you can be Boleh also. Now, that is going to far. Better stop here.

Lazy to write. No, not lazy. Sick. Really sick of everything, except of course myself and my family lah. So, you guys why don't you start a blog yourself? If everyone, from ten years old to 100 years old writes a blog, there would be at least three million blogs in Singapore. That would be really EXTRA ORDINARY!

We would then become members of the Lord of the Rings!

The Garuda - 18th September 2007.

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