Sunday, 2 September 2007

The Era of Bearded Singaporeans!

Hey, look!

This is what will happen when Singaporeans live to the age of 85 and above, hoping to get their returns from the annuity that they have bought 30 years ago. They would want to be as obedient to the government as possible and therefore would like to work as long as possible, but the problem would be that there would be no employers wanting to employ people who are already over the hills, unless of course if they were the fathers of prime ministers or they themselves have been a prime minister before.

Under such a lose-lose situation, created by people
who have been thinking of win-win situations all the
time, these over-aged, over-stayed and over-lived
grand fathers, or grand mothers, and great grand
fathers, or great grand mothers, have got no choice
but to become very creative and innovative. They
have to do things that the younger ones are not
able to do. One of the ways is growing, keeping,
maintaining and designing attractive and funny

During the festive seasons and during the various ethnic
new years, they would station themselves in front of the
main gate to the Istana hoping to get "ang pows"
(red packets) from the VIPs, tourists and visitors.

They would also take part in National Day parades to enable the government to boast to the outside world how well the aged have been taken care of; and that we are really a First World Country in all
the true senses of the words.

Some would become court jesters to
entertain the kangaroos in the courts.
Otherwise the kangaroos may run all
over the shops, thereby massing up the
courts and making people unhappy

Some would keep company with the many would-be
senior ministers and ministers mentors to ensure that
they are enjoying their time counting their well-earned

Some would be placed in the Parliament House to
keep Members of Parliament from falling asleep when
the Parliament is in session. Otherwise, the TV camera
crew may accidentally record their sleepy faces and
show them to the world, which would not be good
for Singapore's image.

Some would try to motivate those
who have suicidal tendencies by
making them happy and joyful
through their naturally contagious
smiles and laughters.

Some would advertise for beer and
stout as well as for spectacles,
so as to help our economy grow.

Some would walk the streets to entertain the would-be
terrorists so as to help our policemen keep Singapore
safe and peaceful.

The Garuda - 2nd September 2007.

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Anonymous said...

The older one grows in Singapore the sadder, more pitiful, desolate, despondent and worthless one becomes. So do something for yourselves to avoid the imminent fate !

Anonymous said...

Yes, I tend to agree with your perception. I have already thought out some solutions for myself. And they are written in my earlier post: "Seeking A Solution, Seeking A New Home".

The Garuda.